Saturday, January 7, 2012

Demon Lord Derpahim

Skyward Sword. *sigh*

So many good things, so many bad. One of which (which I'm sure a vast amount of the general public agrees with me) is Ghirahim. Demon. Lord. Ghirahim. Write it in the sky in gossamer teardrops- Demon. Lord. Ghirahim.

A mixture of unparalleled flamboyancy, stereotypical emo trash and wrapped up in a vomit-inducing concoction of bad animation, worse fanart and hellishly terrible monologues, Demon Lord Ghirahim is probably the worst design for a pre-Ganon puppet bad-guy that the Zelda franchise has introduced thus far. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE fan of the LoZ series and have been since I could hold a gameboy/N64 controller. I guess to get on with it, a friend of mine asked (in response to my ranting and raving on Ghirahim's poor design) "well, how would you picture him?" Blah blah, snowballing effect, now I would like to do a painting on my idea of what "Demon Lord Ghirahim" should look like. I need to finish the game of couse (halfway through the Fire Sanctuary now...I'm stuck at that part with all the spikey water plants everywhere and the frog statue you have to throw water on.. Can't.. get the fruit... to the frog...)

Anyways, for those of you who are unfamiliar with "Demon Lord Ghirahim" in Skyward Sword...
Oh, and don't forget the risque, semi-revealing white leotard that clashes with his complexion and plays too obviously off of his "demonically white hair". Only the most unique bad guys have WHITE HAIR.

To move on once again, I'm starting with some concept art as to what I think a demon lord should look like. I do appreciate how Ghirahim's personality has this in-and-out insanity that comes and goes while he talks. Calm, collected and almost cool, Ghirahim has this facade that can creepily melt away into a fit or tantrum that does make you kind of want to scoot away and just say "forget it", but his design is just too ridiculous to really play that up. There's too many distractions around his eyes that pull away from any sudden emotion shifts he could make, and DAT HAIR. Covering up half of his face with an asymmetrical bob/emo bangs doesn't add to the "mystery" that is Ghirahim. It's annoying. If I were a demon lord, I'd buzz my head and call it a day so I could go on with my demon-y ways without having to worry about my obstructed vision and impaired sense of depth.

So here is what I've started with. Hopefully to be further embellished with color and, well... a body.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My closet floor.. Where I dump ALL THE THOUGHTS!

To be frank, I like organization. I like having a place to show off and properly Vanna-White my finished works and let them shine in all their unprofessional glory. I need a place to socialize and gather the unsuspecting minions that like the pretty colors and semi-planned compositions I'm working on. And last, but not least, I could not do without a place to specifically dump all of the thoughts, ideas and half-formed, malnourished and almost-inspired projects that I have yet to work on. Each site (my personal page, facebook page and blog page, respectively) will hopefully all serve a collective purpose. To keep me occupied, busy and eventually get my name out there as an artist.

I guess I want all of my potential spawns of creativity to begin their journey here so I can properly nurture them with the back-and-forth banter that I'd like to translate from my inner thoughts into writing for everyone to see up here. Whether I want to do something blatantly representative or take a stab at something completely irrational and subjective I feel like a blog will let me explain to you, the reader, and as well as solidify what I really want to get done as an artist. (For example, many times I think I'm inspired by nature to paint a beautiful landscape and try to capture the colors and atmosphere of the amazing sunset I had the privilege to witness, when many hours, compositions, and attempts later in reality I find that I'm terrible at re-creating a landscape and I may just as well convey those colors into something abstract)

It's the idea, approach, process and evolution that I want to get across here. To let others know how I work, while finding out a little bit more about how I work, myself. I've never really had a concrete process, and if I have I haven't really paid much attention to it. I want to learn about how I work by being able to reason everything out in words, as well as look back on how I've done things in the past and where I'm leaning towards as a practicing artist.

Blah blah winded things. I'll get on with what I'm working on presently just to set the pace.

Christmas presents!
   I've decided to try my hand at watercolors. I'm doing a couple different series of 5"x7" watercolors (the series dependent on the recipient) The first set, of various locations significant to the couple I'm giving it to (Paris, Pittsburgh and London) I'm finding it tough to get the right kind of contrast in the areas I want it in.. Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm finding the paints themselves difficult to use as I found them from an old art "set" (those all-in-one boxed...foolishness..idontevenknow) that happens to be about 6 years old.. (fo real..) But as it is, I'm finding that I'm replacing the richer "values" that I want with more saturation. It worked well in Pittsburgh, but Paris is pretty... vague.. as far as spacial information goes.

   For one of my best friends, I'm trying a Zelda tribute. A triptych of Link and his various forms of transportation. Lol. Anyways, I've been playing with composition and the underdrawings to the best of my ability but I think this project is just going to boil down to me nerding out like a fan girl and illustrating Link and some animals/boats in some pretty colors. Art can be simple too, right? :D

   For the beau, I've almost finished an obnoxiously large painting of a bear sitting in the forest at sunset. A 30-foot tall bear sitting in the forest at sunset. Actually. :) It's kinda overly-saturated and you can blatantly tell that I onlu use one kind of brush and I refuse to wean myself off of it and go for different strokes/textures but EH. The bear looks overwhelmingly large and fat and heavy and the sense of light is obvious and the atmosphere is there so IDEC i like it :D I am putting off the small figure for lack of a better reason other than the fact that I just don't want to address him right now. So there. I also haven't decided on the color palette of the trees on the far left yet either so... Hmph.

   In the land of sewing, I plan on making a bunch of Pokemon themed winter accessories/apparel for some nerdy lady-friends of mine. The Umbreon hoodie is done (and has been since this summer.. I herped my derp and forgot to bring it with me to give it to her as a graduation present sooo now it's a Christmas gift...) The Awkward Zombie Entei hoodie is in the works, and there are plans for a Gengar scarf/hat set and a Scraggy scarf/hat set :)

I'll edit this later with images to go along with each section and what I have done with it. Aaand I'll probably find a day to update this per-week soooooo yeah.
